Special Campaign Achievements on Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 Special Campaign Achievements are unique challenges tied to specific campaigns within the game. They require players to complete particular objectives or perform tasks under special conditions. These achievements often involve teamwork, strategic planning, and surviving waves of zombies while meeting specific criteria. Earning them can unlock rewards and add an extra challenge for experienced players.

Special Campaign Achievements on Left 4 Dead 2
Dead Center

Achievement Completion
 Robbed Zombie Collect 10 vials of boomer vomit from CEDA agents. The yellow-suit zombies are most commonly found at Dead Center.
 Pole Position Escape before the first Tank appears in the final Act.

The Passing

Achievement Completion
 Shotgun Wedding Kill the Witch Bride with a shotgun in Act 1.
 Cache Grab Open five foot-lockers.
 Kite Like a Man Let the original survivors on the bridge kill the Tank in the final Act.
 Killing Them Swiftly to This Song Find and play the jukebox in Act 2.

Dark Carnival

Achievement Completion
 Guardin' Gnome Win the shooting minigame by scoring 750 points in Act 2, then bring the Gnome prize to the end of the campaign.
 Gong Show Win the strong man minigame in Act 4 by taking an adrenaline shot before using the melee.
 Stache Whacker Win the whack-a-mole minigame by scoring 42 points in Act 4.
 Cl0wnd Honk ten clown zombies by shoving their noses.
 Fried Piper Burn ten zombies led by a clown zombie with a molotov.

Swamp Fever

Achievement Completion
 Dead in the Water Kill 10 Mudmen while they are in the water.
 Wing and a Prayer Do not take any damage during the air crash event in Act 2.

Hard Rain

Achievement Completion
 Sob Story Do not kill any witches in the Sugar Mill.

The Parish

Achievement Completion
 Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter Cross the bridge in Act 5 in under 3 minutes.
 Violence in Silence Do not trigger any car alarms in Act 3.

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