How to edit the egg hatching speed on a Palworld server

Editing the egg-hatching speed on a Palworld server allows administrators to tailor the gameplay experience to the preferences of their player community. By adjusting the hatching speed, server admins can either speed up or slow down the process, influencing how quickly players can obtain creatures and progress in the game. This customization adds flexibility to the server environment, catering to different playstyles and creating a more engaging and enjoyable experience for Palworld players.

Note The default egg-hatching speed is 72 hours, the default speed for hard difficulty. Learn how to change the difficulty here.

Note Any eggs already inside the incubator must be removed and put back in for the new settings to apply.

How to Edit the Egg Hatching Speed on a Palworld Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Under the Config Files tab, select Server Settings.

4. Locate PalEggDefaultHatchingTime and change the value to the desired hours.

Note The value represents the maximum time in real-time, not in-game hours. Some eggs may take shorter, while rarer eggs may take the full hours.

5. Press the Save Content button.

6. Start the server.

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