How to change the server settings on a Palworld server

Palworld servers have many customization options available that can drastically change how players interact with the server. Players can change settings such as the XP gain rate, gather rates, and many more to either add challenges to servers or make it easier. These options include several risky settings that may cause issues on a server; those settings have been included in this guide to warn against using them.

Note Make backups locally to avoid losing any necessary files.


How to Change the Server Settings on a Palworld Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Under the Config Files tab, select Server Settings.

4. Make any desired adjustments using the table below.

Note Settings marked with Moved to Startup will reset if put into this file, only adjust those settings from the Startup tab.

Once finished editing, choose Save Content.

6. Start the server.

Server Settings

Note Settings are marked as follows:
(C) - Confirmed. Setting is confirmed to be working.
(X) - Does Not Work. Setting may break something or is not implemented.
(U) - Unconfirmed
. Setting is unstable and may not work.


Setting Description
Difficulty (X) Does not work for dedicated servers; however, the settings it changes can still be used. Follow our guide here.
DayTimeSpeedRate (C) How fast the day passes.
NightTimeSpeedRate (C) How fast the night passes.
ExpRate (C) Multiplies how much Exp players receive. (Max Value = 20 )
PalCaptureRate (C) Affects the capture rate of Pals.
PalSpawnNumRate (C) Affects the spawn rate of Pals.
PalDamageRateAttack (C) Multiplies the damage of pals to others.
PalDamageRateDefense (C) Multiplies the damage dealt to Pals.
PlayerDamageRateAttack (C) Multiplies the damage players deal.
PlayerDamageRateDefense (C) Multiplies the damage players take.
PlayerStomachDecreaseRate (C) Changes how fast players starve.
PlayerStaminaDecreaseRate (C) Changes how fast stamina depletes.
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRate (C) Changes how fast player health regenerates.
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep (C) Changes how fast player health regenerates while sleeping.
PalStomachDecreaseRate (C) Changes how fast Pals starve.
PalStaminaDecreaseRate (C) Changes how fast Pal's stamina depletes.
PalAutoHPRegeneRate (C) Changes how fast Pal health regenerates.
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep (C) Changes how fast Pal health regenerates while in the Box.
BuildObjectDamageRate (C) Multiplies the damage structures take.
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate (C) Changes how fast buildings will deteriorate with no base nearby.
CollectionDropRate (C) Changes gatherable items drop rate. (Rocks/Wood/Ore)
CollectionObjectHpRate (C) Changes how much HP gatherable objects have.
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate (C) Changes how fast gatherable objects respawn.
EnemyDropItemRate (C) Affects the drop rate for items from enemies.
DeathPenalty (Moved to Startup)
Follow our guide on changing the death penalty setting here.
bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage (X)
Enables or disables player-to-player damage.
bEnableFriendlyFire (X) Enables or disables friendly fire.
bEnableInvaderEnemy (C)
Turns raids on or off.
bActiveUNKO (X) Activates UNKO, a currently unknown feature.
bEnableAimAssistPad (U) Turns aim assist on or off for controllers.
bEnableAimAssistKeyboard (U) Turns aim to assist on or off for keyboard and mouse.
DropItemMaxNum (C) Sets the maximum amount of dropped items in the world.
DropItemMaxNum_UNKO (X) Sets the maximum number of dropped UNKO items.
BaseCampMaxNum (C) Sets the maximum number of base camps.
BaseCampWorkerMaxNum (C) Sets the maximum number of workers in a max-level base camp. (Max value = 50 )
Larger values increase server load.
DropItemAliveMaxHours (C) Sets the maximum time items remain alive after being dropped.
bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers (C) Automatically resets guilds with no online players.
AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers (C) Sets the time after which guilds with no online players are automatically reset.
GuildPlayerMaxNum (C) Changes how many players can be in a guild.
BaseCampMaxNumInGuild (C)
Max BaseCamps allowed per guild. (Max value = 10 )
Larger values increase server load.
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime (C) The time it takes to hatch a huge egg. Applies to all egg types.
WorkSpeedRate (C) Adjusts the overall work speed in the game (Pal+Player).
bIsMultiplay (X) Enables or disables multiplayer mode.
bIsPvP (X) Enables or disables player versus player (PvP) mode.
bHardcore (C)
Enable Hardcore. Cannot respawn upon death.
bPalLost (C)
Permanently lose pals on death.
bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop (C) Turns on or off the pickup of death penalty drops from other guilds.
bEnableNonLoginPenalty (C)
Non-Login Penalties: when offline for a more extended period, your pals get depressed.
bEnableFastTravel (C) Turns fast travel on or off.
bIsStartLocationSelectByMap (C) Turns on or off the selection of starting locations on the map.
bExistPlayerAfterLogout (C)
Turns on or off players existing in the world after logout.
bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer (X) Enables or disables the defense of other guild players.
bInvisibleOtherGuildBaseCampAreaFX (C)
Enables the circle around other guilds basecamps.
bBuildAreaLimit (C)
Prohibits building near structures such as fast travel.
ItemWeightRate (C)
Modifies the item weight ratio.
CoopPlayerMaxNum (X) Sets the maximum number of cooperative players in a session.
ServerPlayerMaxNum (Moved to Startup) Changes the server player capacity. Set in the startup panel.
ServerName (Moved to Startup)
Sets server display name. Set in the startup panel.
ServerDescription (Moved to Startup) Sets server description. Set in the startup panel.
AdminPassword (Moved to Startup) Administrator password for use with /adminpassword . Set in the startup panel.
ServerPassword (Moved to Startup) The password for the server. Set in the startup panel.
PublicPort (X) The server's public port number breaks the server if it is changed.
PublicIP (X) The server's public IP breaks the server if it is changed.
RCONEnabled (C) Turns the Remote Console (RCON) on or off for server administration.
RCONPort (C) Sets the port for the Remote Console (RCON) communication. (Potentially Breaks RCON!)
Region (X) Sets the region for the Palworld server.
bUseAuth (X) Turns server authentication on or off. Can break player data.
BanListURL (X) Sets the URL for the server's ban list. Currently, it breaks the server if changed.
bShowPlayerList (C)
Enable the player list with the ESC key.
ChatPostLimitPerMinute (C)
Number of chats that can be posted per minute.
SupplyDropSpan (C)
Sets the interval between supply drops in minutes.
EnablePredatorBossPal (C)
Enables or disables having predator pals in the game.
MaxBuildingLimitNum (C)
Sets the building limit per player. (default = 0 )

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