Sons of the Forest Item ID List

In Sons of the Forest, item IDs are numerical codes assigned to various in-game objects, resources, and items. These IDs are essential for players and modders, allowing them to manipulate the game's environment and inventory. Players can spawn specific items, materials, or equipment using item IDs, enhancing their gameplay experience. However, it's crucial to exercise caution when utilizing these codes, as overuse or inappropriate spawning can impact the game's balance and immersion.

Note Learn how to spawn items here.

Note Some items may exhibit odd behavior when spawned.

Sons of the Forest Item ID List

Item ID Item ID
618 3D Printed Arrow 406 Log 1/4
657 3D Printed GPS Case 409 Log 3/4
469 Air Canister 395 Log Plank
467 Album Cover 576 Log Plank 1/4
451 Aloe Vera 577 Log Plank Quarter 2x
596 Aloe Vera Seed 578 Log Plank Quarter 3x
454 Arrowleaf 508 Loot Pouch or Skin Pouch
597 Arrowleaf Seed 359 Machete
402 Backpack 566 Maintenance Keycard
571 Bacon Bite 433 Meat
527 Batteries 437 Medicine
341 Binoculars 356 Modern Axe
595 Blackberries 388 Molotov
598 Blackberry Seed 496 Money or Cash
491 Blazer (Old Jacket) 652 Moose head
445 Blueberries 528 Mr Puffys Financials
599 Blueberry Seed 438 MRE Pack
670 Blueprint Gore Chair 400 Mushroom Fly Amanita
671 Blueprint Gore Couch 399 Mushroom Hydnum Repandum
656 Blueprint Hokey Pokey Trap 398 Mushroom King Oyster
666 Blueprint Powered Cross 397 Mushroom Shiitake
658 Blueprint Radio Trap 354 Night Vision Goggles
673 Blueprint Round Table 466 Oyster
672 Blueprint Uber Trap 540 Page - Crosses Burn Demons
665 BlueprintItemPlating 541 Page - Cube Activates Every 8 Cycles
659 BlueprintRadio 655 Page - Doris, Do You Have Time For A Quick Drink?
405 Bone 654 Page - Hi Barbara, It Was Great To See You Last Night!
494 Bone Armor 653 Page - Hi Doris, I Saw On The List That You
574 Book - Eric LeBlanc Rescued 526 Page - Last Willand Testament Of Edward Puffton
424 Book - Jack Holt Puffton On Creating An Empire 612 Page - Missing CEO
423 Book - Sam Sounde Corporate Line 611 Page - Numbers Translation
575 Book - Timmy LeBlanc Universes 539 Page - Out Demonia
631 Book The Realm Beyond 613 Page - Puffcorp Outbids Sahara
569 Brain Bite 547 Page - Safe in Cube
371 Buckshot Ammo - Multiple 548 Page - Stay in the Cube
364 Buckshot Ammo - Single 617 Page - Stock Price Chart
420 C4 Brick 518 Paper Target
558 Camouflage Suit 663 Pickaxe
432 Can Opener 370 Pistol Ammo - Multiple
434 Canned Food 362 Pistol Ammo - Single
373 Carbon Fiber Arrow 376 Pistol Rail
464 Cat Food 413 Plasma Lighter
394 Chainsaw 703 Priest Outfit
465 Chicory 426 Printed Flask
605 Chicory Seed 560 Printed Grappling Hook
416 Circuit Board 428 Printed Sled
705 Circus Pamplet 390 Printer Resin
415 Cloth 500 Puffy Jacket or Winter Jacket
502 Coins 646 Rabbit head
380 Combat Knife 715 Raccoon Head
355 Compact Pistol 590 Radio (Stereo)
360 Compound Bow 421 Ramen Noodles
517 Cooking Pot 444 Rebreather
507 Crafted Arrow 391 Red Mask
443 Crafted Bow 422 Repair Tool
477 Crafted Club 386 Revolver
474 Crafted Spear 361 Rifle
351 Crafting Mat 387 Rifle Ammo
593 Creepy Armor 383 Rifle Rail
468 Cross 393 Rock
365 Crossbow 403 Rope
368 Crossbow Bolt 522 Rope Gun
425 Crunchie Wunchies 447 Salmonberries
633 Cult Pamphlet 604 Salmonberry Seed
651 Deer head 377 Scope
519 Deer Hide Armor 648 Seagull head
449 Devil’s Club 480 Severed Arm
600 Devil’s Club Seed 482 Severed Head
642 Duck head 481 Severed Leg
419 Duct Tape 358 Shotgun
643 Eagle head 346 Shotgun Rail
542 Email - Artifact 1 485 Shovel
543 Email - Artifact 2 Part 1 374 Silencer
544 Email - Artifact 2 Part 2 487 Silk Pajamas
546 Email - Digital Communication 430 Skull
537 Email - Golf - Balls & Clubs Found 573 Sleeping Bag
534 Email - Golf Part 1 459 Slingshot
535 Email - Golf Part 2 372 Slug Ammo - Multiple
536 Email - Golf Part 3 363 Slug Ammo - Single
614 Email - Government A 476 Small Rock
615 Email - Government B 636 Small Rock (Duplicate)
616 Email - Government C 644 Small turtlehead
538 Email - Missing Painting 448 Snowberries
521 Email - More Lighting 725 Snowberry Seed
545 Email - What you're looking for 727 Solafite Armor
483 Emergency Pack 664 Solafite ore
441 Energy Bar 634 Solar Panel
439 Energy Drink 638 Logsled
461 Energy Mix 639 Spacesuit
462 Energy Mix Plus 647 Squirrel head
479 Feather 570 Steak Bite
431 Firefighter Axe 392 Stick
453 Fireweed 417 Sticky Bomb
601 Fireweed Seed 640 Stone
436 Fish 396 Stun Baton
440 Flare 353 Stun Gun
471 Flashlight 457 Stun Gun Ammo - Multiple
378 Flashlight Attachment 369 Stun Gun Ammo - Single
435 Gold Mask 589 Survival Guide
572 Golden Armor 619 Swim Suit
524 Golf Ball 379 Tactical Axe
661 Golf Cart Battery 501 Tactical Boots
525 Golf Putter 495 Tactical Jacket
529 GPS Locator 489 Tactical Pants
412 GPS Tracker 504 Tarp
381 Grenade 554 Tech Armor
594 Guarana Berries 553 Tech Mesh
602 Guarana Seed 503 Torch
567 Guest Keycard 555 Track Suit
340 Guitar 366 Tranquilizer Dart
626 Hang Glider 401 Turtle Egg
455 Health Mix 650 Turtle head
456 Health Mix Plus 506 Turtle Shell
472 Hide 516 Tutorial Page Tarp Tent
509 Holosprings Pamphlet 492 Tuxedo
490 Hoodie 446 Twinberries
450 Horsetail 724 Twinberry Seed
603 Horsetail Seed 568 VIP Keycard
367 Katana 556 Virginia Dress (Playsuit)
630 Knight V 557 Virginia Leather Suit
552 Laser Digital Measurer Tool 414 Vodka Bottle
375 Laser Sight 486 Walkie Talkie
484 Leaf 499 Wetsuit
473 Leaf Armor 418 Wire
493 Leather Jacket 410 Wrist Watch
635 Light Bulb 452 Yarrow
78 Log 606 Yarrow Seed
408 Log 1/2 523 Zipline Rope

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