How to adjust the group settings on a Path of Titans server

Path of Titans has a dynamic grouping system that allows players to see group members from a long distance and communicate with them. This is especially useful for people playing with groups of friends or creating a pack of like-minded dinosaurs. Games like The Isle and Path of Titans typically restrict players from joining groups with opposing diets, such as a carnivore grouping with a herbivore. However, by adjusting the appropriate settings, players can group regardless of diet.

How to Adjust the Group Settings on a Path of Titans Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Find the following directory: /home/container/PathOfTitans/Saved/Config/LinuxServer

Note The server needs to be started once to generate the files above.

5. Open the Game.ini file.

6. In a new line, paste the following: [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameMode] .

7. Underneath the pasted line, enter any desired settings from the chart below.

Setting Description
bServerRestrictCarnivoreGrouping=false When set to true , carnivores can only form groups with the same species.
bServerRestrictHerbivoreGrouping=false When set to true , herbivores can only form groups with the same species.
MaxGroupSize=10 Sets the maximum slots allowed for player groups.
MaxGroupLeaderCommunicationDistance=50000 Sets the distance in meters that players can see other group members.

8. Once finished editing, choose Save Content.

9. Start the server.

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