How to pre-generate a world on a Minecraft Forge server

Minecraft servers with Forge installed can be run with the popular pre-generation mod Chunky. This mod allows users to generate a world before players load onto the server, drastically increasing server performance while players explore. This is especially true for more involved modpacks, as they may require players to regularly explore new chunks or areas of the world. World pre-generation can take a long time, and all players should be disconnected from the server while it's running.

The Forge mod loader must be installed. Learn how to here.

How to Pre-generate a World on a Minecraft Forge Server
1. Manually download the Chunky mod from CurseForge.

2. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

3. Stop the server.

Go to the Files tab.

Open the mods folder.

6. Upload the jar file to the server.

7. Start
the server.

Go to the Console tab.

9. Run the following commands in order:

Step Command Description
1 chunky world minecraft:overworld Selects the world to pre-gen. [overworld, the_nether, the_end]
2 chunky center [x] [y] Sets the coordinates for the center of the world.
3 chunky radius [#] Sets the range generated around the center in blocks.
4 chunky start Starts the world pre-gen process. This may take a while.

Note The world radius can always be changed later, so starting small is recommended to save time.

Players must not be logged in to the server while the world is pre-generating.

10. Wait for Chunky to generate the world. Large ranges can take up to 72 Hours.

Useful Chunky Commands

Command Description
chunky help Shows the list of commands
chunky spawn Sets the world spawn point to the center.
chunky pause Halts a pre-generation in progress.
chunky continue Resumes a pre-generation.
chunky cancel - /chunky confirm Cancels a pre-generation in progress.
chunky selection Displays the current settings for Chunky.
chunky silent Toggles whether or not updates are displayed.
chunky progress Shows progress on the active pre-generation.

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