How to install Carbon on a Rust server

Rust has many options available for plugin/mod loaders that allow users to add additional content or customization to their servers. The popular Carbon plugin framework is a robust tool with excellent performance and stability. The tool is self-updating, and has many available plugins to choose from. Carbon currently serves as an alternative option to Oxide/UMod, and is slowly receiving more support from developers than Oxide, making it the premier plugin tool for stability on a server.

How to Install Carbon on a Rust Server
1Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2Stop the server.

3. Under Currently Hosting, press the Change Game button.

4. Select Rust Carbon.

 Choose what to do with the current instance and click Next.

6. If creating a new instance, enter the desired name and click Next.

7. Select the desired Preferences and click Next.

8. Press the Confirm & Load button.

9. Wait for the installation to finish.

Note Learn more about the Instance Manager here.

Start the server.

11. After a complete start, stop the server.

12. Go to the Files tab.

13. Find the following directory: /home/container/carbon/plugins .

14. Upload the desired plugins.

15. Start the server.

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