How to change or reset the admin password on a Satisfactory server

Satisfactory servers are set up by initially claiming the server from the in-game menu. After claiming the server and naming the session, users must also set up an admin password to edit general server settings. Administrators have fewer privileges in Satisfactory than in other games, as few valuable commands exist. However, admins can still edit general session details, create new sessions, or view the server from the server manager.

How to Change or Reset the Admin Password on a Satisfactory Server

Note -The first method is for changing the password in-game. To do this, it's required to authenticate using the Current Admin Password.
-If the current password is unknown, follow the second method.

Launch the game and load the server using the Server Manager.

2. Select the server, and then go to the Server Settings tab.

3. Press Authenticate.

4. Login using the current admin password.

5. Next to Administration password, press Change password.

6. Enter the desired password. The Confirm button will be clickable once both passwords match.

How to Reset the Admin Password on a Satisfactory Server

Note This method is for users who've forgotten the admin password. Be aware that this will Reset All Server Settings, requiring the server to be set up again.

. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Find the following directory: .config/Epic/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGame .

5. Delete the ServerSettings file.

6. Start the server.

7. The admin password can now be created when claiming the server in-game.

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