How to change the difficulty on a 7 Days to Die server

7 Days to Die offers different difficulty settings that affect the gameplay and players' challenges. The most accessible setting, "Scavenger," provides more resources and less dangerous enemies, while the most challenging setting, "Insane," offers scarce resources and extremely aggressive zombies. Choosing the right difficulty level can make the game more enjoyable and challenging, depending on the player's preference and skill level.

How to Change the Difficulty on a 7 Days to Die Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Startup tab.

4. On the Game Difficulty field, choose the desired difficulty on the dropdown.

Value Level Skill % Damage by Zombie  % Damage by Player
0 Scavenger Easiest 50 200
1 Adventurer Easy 75 150
2 Nomad Normal 100 100
3 Warrior Hard 150 83
4 Survivalist Harder 200 66
5 Insane Hardest 250 50

5. Start the server.

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