How to whitelist a Stormworks: Build and Rescue server

Whitelisting a Stormworks: Build and Rescue server ensures a safe and collaborative environment, allowing only trusted and vetted players to join. Whitelisting minimizes griefing, trolling, and disruptive behavior, creating a space where players can focus on creativity and teamwork. Additionally, a whitelist fosters community among players with similar goals and playstyles.

How to Whitelist a Stormworks: Build and Rescue Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. From the Config Files tab, choose Server Config.

4. Navigate to the <whitelist/> line.

5. Replace <whitelist/> with the following:

<id value="SteamID64"/>

Duplicate the
<id value> tag in a new line for multiple authorizations. Learn how to find SteamID64 here.

7. Press the Save Content button.

8. Start the server.

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