Terraria default administrator commands

Terraria offers players a wide range of commands for moderating their servers. Through the BisectHosting Games Panel users can type commands into the console, alternatively users can change their server to TShock for a more comprehensive list of commands, and the ability to use them in-game.

Note Run the following commands through the console on the BisectHosting Games Panel. Do not include any slashes ("/").

Admin Command List

Command Description
help Prints a list of commands.
playing Prints a list of players.
clear Clears console window.
exit Stops server and saves world.
exit-nosave Stops server and doesnt save world.
save Saves world.
kick <player></player> Kicks a player from the server.
ban <player></player> Bans a player from the server.
password Prints current password.
password <pass></pass> Changes server password.
version Prints terraria server version.
time Prints game time.
port Prints servers port.
maxplayers Prints maximum players allowed on server.
say <words></words> Send a message to all players.
motd Prints MOTD.
motd <words></words> Changes the servers MOTD.
dawn Change time to dawn (4:30 AM).
noon Change time to noon (12:00 PM).
dusk Change time to dusk (7:30 PM).
midnight Change time to midnight (12:00 AM).
settle Settles all water.

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