How to set third-person mode on an Arma 3 server

Arma 3, seen from a third-person perspective, offers players a comprehensive military simulation experience. With a wide array of customizable infantry and vehicular options, players can navigate expansive terrains and engage in strategic combat scenarios. The third-person view enhances situational awareness, allowing players to coordinate tactics, control units, and immerse themselves in the complex and dynamic battlefield environment.

How to Set Third-Person Mode on an Arma 3 Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

Go to Config Files > Server Config from the left sidebar.

4. From the //mission Cycle, change the difficulty="" of the mission to custom .

5. Click the Save Content button.

6. Find the following directory: /home/container/serverprofile/home/Player .

7. Open the Player.Arma3Profile file.

8. Copy and paste the following in a new line to add the custom difficulty:

class DifficultyPresets
class CustomDifficulty
class Options
/* Simulation */
reducedDamage = 0;// Reduced damage
/* Situational awareness */
groupIndicators = 0;// Group indicators (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
friendlyTags = 0;// Friendly name tags (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
enemyTags = 0;// Enemy name tags (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
detectedMines = 0;// Detected mines (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
commands = 1;// Commands (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
waypoints = 1;// Waypoints (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
tacticalPing = 0;// Tactical ping (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
/* Personal awareness */
weaponInfo = 2;// Weapon info (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
stanceIndicator = 2;// Stance indicator (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
staminaBar = 0;// Stamina bar
weaponCrosshair = 0;// Weapon crosshair
visionAid = 0;// Vision aid
/* View */
thirdPersonView = 0;// 3rd person view (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled for vehicles only (Since  Arma 3 v1.99))
cameraShake = 1;// Camera shake
/* Multiplayer */
scoreTable = 1;// Score table
deathMessages = 1;// Killed by
vonID = 1;// VoN ID
/* Misc */
mapContent = 0;// Extended map content
autoReport = 0;// (former autoSpot) Automatic reporting of spotted enemied by players only. This doesn't have any effect on AIs.
multipleSaves = 0;// Multiple saves
// aiLevelPreset defines AI skill level and is counted from 0 and can have following values: 0 (Low), 1 (Normal), 2 (High), 3 (Custom).
// when 3 (Custom) is chosen, values of skill and precision are taken from the class CustomAILevel.
aiLevelPreset = 3;
class CustomAILevel
skillAI = 0.5;
precisionAI = 0.5;

9. Change the value for thirdPersonView= to the desired setting from 0 to 2

Value Description
0 Disables third person view
1 Enables third person view
2 Only enables third person view when inside a vehicle

10. Click the Save Content button. 

11. Start the server. 

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