How to use the mixing table in Rust

The Mixing Table is a crafting station in Rust that creates recipes by combining up to four sets of ingredients. The station can also create tea consumables that heal the player or increase their Gather Rates, as well as other effects. Aside from tea, the mixing station can make useful items such as explosives or low grade fuel. Players should utilize the mixing station to get the upper hand in PVP with healing or max health consumables and explosives for raiding bases.

How to Use the Mixing Table in Rust
1. Craft a Mixing Table with 200 Metal Fragments and 100 Stones. It can also be purchased from traders for 175 Scrap.

2. Collect Berries to begin crafting Tea. Tea is created through various berry combinations and can be upgraded by combining four of the same tiers at a mixing station: Basic, Advanced, and Pure. (Example: 4 basic healing teas will combine into an advanced healing tea.)

Tea Recipes

Icon Name Berry Combination
Max Health Tea Red, Red, Red, Yellow Max health: +5% Max health: +12.5% Max health: +20%
Healing Tea Red, Red, Red, Red Healing: +30 Healing: +5 instantly
+50 over time
Healing: +10 instantly
+75 over time
Ore Tea Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Blue Ore yield: +20% Ore yield: +35% Ore yield: +50%
Wood Tea Red, Blue, Red, Blue Wood yield: +50% Wood yield: +100% Wood yield: +200%
Scrap Tea Yellow, White, Yellow, White Scrap yield: +50% Scrap yield: +100% Scrap yield: +200%
Anti Rad Tea Red, Red, Green, Green Rad Resistance: +5%
Exposure Resistance: +50%
Rad Resistance: +15%
Exposure Resistance: +50%
Rad Resistance: +25%
Exposure Resistance: +50%

Other Items
Mixing Stations can also create three other useful items, each listed below; note that explosives also require a blueprint.

Icon Name Recipe
Crafting Time
(Blueprint Required)
50 Gun Powder
3 Low grade fuel
10 Sulfur
10 Metal Fragments
4 seconds 1 Explosive
Low grade fuel 1 Cloth
3 Animal Fat
1 second 4 Low grade fuel
Gun powder 10 Sulfur
10 Charcoal
10 Sulfur
10 Charcoal
1 second 10 Gun powder

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