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How to Cure Zombie Villagers

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes)
Creating a village is no easy feat, but with a few lucky zombie villager spawns, it can quickly be complete. So, today, we explore how to cure zombie villagers, earning trade discounts and more.

Required Items

  • Splash Potion of Weakness
  • Golden Apple
The first step to curing a zombie villager is gathering the two items we have listed above. However, this is easier said than done. The splash potion of weakness requires four separate items of its own, including a brewing stand, bottle of water, fermented spider eye, and gunpowder. Once gathered, place a bottle of water inside the brewing stand and add a fermented spider eye. The result will be a potion of weakness, but don’t remove the potion just yet. Instead, add gunpowder next. The result will be a splash potion of weakness. From there, all that remains is the golden apple which is crafted on a crafting table by placing eight gold ingots in a square around an apple.

Finding & Securing Zombie Villagers

Minecraft Zombie Villager Screenshot With the items in hand, all that remains is finding a zombie villager. They can spawn anywhere zombies do, and the easiest way to capture one is by placing a boat beneath their feet. Leads can now be attached to boats, making it a great way to safely move them about. At this point, we would also recommend enclosing the zombie villager within a temporary shelter. The curing process is not instant, and daylight could burn the zombie villager before completion. Additionally, once cured, they could be targeted by another zombie. The temporary shelter would prevent both cases.

How to Cure Zombie Villagers

Zombie Villager Healing Screenshot When ready, throw the potion of weakness at the zombie villager and then feed it a golden apple. This will cause the zombie villager to start shaking while emanating golden particles. After one to two minutes, the zombie villager will transform into a villager of the current biome. Finally, use the same boat from before to transport the villager to their new home. Congratulations on curing a villager, and enjoy the discount the villager will now provide!
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